How to practice dance?
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For my pleasure and to work my body
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Children and adult amateurs, practicing dance for 1 to 3 lessons per week or more, without professional aim.The practice of dance is beneficial for the physical and psychic development of the pupil, if the lessons are given by experienced teachers, Competent and professional.The basic dance exercises are always practiced under the close supervision of the teacher, performed right and left, and given according to the age and anatomy of the student. They bring awareness, harmonious development of the body, improve and develop the articular and muscular functioning of the pupil while correcting certain anatomical problems such as kyphosis, scoliosis, stiffness, lack of balance, and coordination some movement. Generally speaking, practicing dance can improve body shape, posture, presence and elegance.
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I love dancing and I dream of becoming a dancer
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Children and adolescents practicing dance for a minimum of 4 to 6 lessons per week with the hope of later starting a professional career.
To consider this possibility, it is imperative that the pupil has well-defined physical, psychic and artistic qualities.
The chosen dance school, in which the child or teenager studies, must present a structured study program established according to the goal to be achieved. It uses a method or system of education that provides a solid basic education.
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I want to make a living from my art
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Professional training with the aim of becoming a professional dancer.
Dance schools that offer pre-vocational or vocational training take the initiative and responsibility for having a comprehensive study program, with lessons taught by qualified teachers. The training then gives the student the opportunity to make a living from his art.
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La FSED organise régulièrement des formations continues pour les professeurs de danse afin de leur permettre de développer leurs compétences pédagogiques mais également de parfaire leurs connaissances sur le plan théorique et méthodologique. Des ressources administratives leur sont également proposées lors de ces formations afin que les aspects relatifs au droit du travail ou à d'autres spécificités du métier de professeur de danse leur soit transmises.
La FSED apporte beaucoup d'importance à la formation de ses professeurs car ce sont eux les premiers garants d'un enseignement de qualité, respectueux des danseurs et danseuses dans leur intégrité physique et psychologiques.